magnetic storm
Leaders in Events, Sound, Lighting and Audio-Visual

Blog  > What I Have Learned  > I am a leading learner and I am a learning leader

02 May 2018

 “I am a leading learner and I am a learning leader” 

We’re all guilty of exclaiming “I’m so busy, there’s no time.” But sometimes you need to stop. Pause. Reflect. Dream. Excite your soul.

I recently gave myself this gift, I stopped. I paused. I reflected on my life. I dreamt about my personal and professional goals and I became excited about the future.

Stopping my six to six (yes those are considered normal hours!) fast-paced life to take some time out in nature a few things dawned on me (it really did dawn on me, it was during a 5am game drive!) In nature nothing is rushed, yet everything is accomplished. Taking in the power of the silence that enveloped me, I saw how in nature, nothing is wasted, emailed or given a deadline. Yet the wildlife lives another day, despite constant life threatening circumstances.  They are present and live in the moment.

So how does this observation translate into who we are, and the businesses which we founded or find ourselves in?

Our days are filled with calls, emails, alerts and meetings. And it consumes us. We react constantly to demands from others.   The result?  Our job defines who we are and how we use our time. It may seem indulgent but we need to step outside our business to reflect and allow growth both personally and professionally.

My personal reflection led me to the conclusion that my dream is to be a leading learner, and a learning leader. Continual education whether formally, informally or through a mentor excites me and moves me close to my vision for who I want to be and where I want my businesses to be. And as a leader I am continually learning about being a leader, and that gives me a buzz too.

Another ‘aha’ moment in my time away from my day to day life is how quickly we as entrepreneurs find ourselves working in and not on our business.  And because of that, as the founder you’re often the bottleneck, holding others back from achieving results.

Look at what your passions are, and what natural talents you have, delegate responsibilities to individuals who are better at it than you. Find ways you bottleneck decisions in your business and find ways to unplug them, it’s liberating for you and for your team.

This kind of power comes from hindsight and gratitude, so take time to stop. Pause. Reflect. Dream and excite. And you and your business will grow in line with your vision.  But only if the vision is clear. When the vision gets muddy, I focus on the powerful words shared with me by my mentor, Roger James Hamilton:

“When your vision becomes stronger than your memory, your future becomes more powerful than your past.”

Author: Jane Stevenson


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